Englewood High School
Class Of 1969
Updates to Edie's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Edie Smith Hartley
Profile Updated: June 17, 2009

Residing In: | Jacksonville, FL |
Spouse/Partner: | Marvin - Married in 1982 |
Occupation: | Communications Manger - Verizon Business |
Children: | Christie - 42, Amy - 40, Heather - 33, Ashley - 22 Marvin had 2 girls when we married and I had More…one...and together we had another girl..to date three of our four girls have produced seven grandchildren...five girls and two boys.... |
Yes! Attending Reunion
wow I can't believe it's been 40 years....
I still live in Jacksonville...I am still working....at least until my youngest finishes Pharmacy School...I can't wait to see everyone and catch up on what everyone has been doing..
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